ROLLING WITH LIFTED: 3 "How To Roll a Cone" Video Tutorials with Jman420
Everything tastes better in a cone!
In this informational "How To Roll a Cone" tutorial video series, we are going to look at the different rolling techniques, rolling helpers and community tips used to roll that perfect cone.
So whether you are a cannasseur or taking the first steps on your CBD journey, we are here to share the love!
Let’s jump straight into the fundamentals with our first video:
How to Roll a Cone by Hand.
Lifted How To Roll A Perfect Cone 1 - Rolling by Hand
In this video we went step by step through how to roll the perfect cone by hand.
From prepping your bud, perfectly rolling and placing your filter, to packing your cone: I got you!
Rolling a cone by hand takes some practice - but with the helpful hints and steps laid out in the tutorial, you see that just like cooking: with great product, good preparation and, a little bit of creativity, you can construct something beautiful to delight all your senses.
Hit me up in the comments on your ‘go-to hand rolling’ techniques!
And if you are interested in any of the products used in this episode, here are the links to some of my favourites:
- The Medium cVault is a lightweight and airtight stainless steel food grade container
- Boveda, a terpene shield, which provides precise humidity control for your bud
- The Aluminum Grinder is easy to use, exceptionally sharp and comes with a cleaning pick
- The Raw Tray gives you the most RAWesome surface to prep your bud
If the process of rolling your own cone is still a bit intimidating, and you are eager to light up, in our next video we will look at how to pack a Raw Pre-Rolled Cone made from their classic naturally unbleached paper.
Lifted How To Roll A Perfect Cone 2 - Rolling with a pre-made cone
Amazing pre-rolled products and being in the Cape of Good Dope made this tutorial a breeze to film. However, be sure to keep a gentle hand when packing your cone.
You want a tight pack to ensure the heat, but every flame needs air! And if you pack your cone too tight - you will be the one pulling for air.
I'm curious to hear what pre-rolled papers you guys are enjoying? Comment in the video and let’s compare notes!
Shop with us using the links below:
- The Small cVault is a travel friendly, lightweight and airtight stainless steel food grade container
- Raw Cones Classic - RAWesome Pre-Rolled Cones
Up next, you get to learn with me as I make my first attempt at rolling the perfect cone with the Cone Artist.
Lifted How To Roll A Perfect Cone 3 - Rolling with the Cone Artist
My first attempt was not too shabby and I will definitely be giving it another go soon! The cone artist is an ingenious little device that made my rolling fun, easy and TIGHT (like a tiger)!
If you want to try your hand at the Cone Artist here are the links to the products featured in this episode:
- The OCB Metal Tray is a compact metal tray with a tight seal lid - perfect for a cannoisseur on the go
- OCB Paper is a sustainably sourced paper made mainly out of plant derived cellulose
- The Cone Artist is a small portable cone rolling aid and filler accessory
And if any of you have used the Cone Artist before please pay it forward! and comment in the video on the tips and tricks I should be using with my new gadget.
Keep an eye out for more videos coming soon in this tutorial series!
While filming, we discovered that we had so much more to share and explore with you, so let’s keep ROLLING!
Meanwhile, check out our SHOP for more goodies available all over sunny South Africa.
Knowledge may be power
Community is strength,
And I love that we, through knowledge, can strengthen our community here at Lifted.
Ciao for now